The Locum Blog
Hello, adventurers!
Are you a healthcare practitioner seeking a career that offers flexibility, adventure, and unparalleled experiences? Look no further! Locum tenens (travel) medicine might just be the perfect fit for you. Allow me to introduce you to the wide range of resources below to help get your locum career off the ground!
The Ultimate Locum List: Your comprehensive locum assignment checklist
What to ask on your first day on the job
How to Be Social in a New City
Being in a new place can be intimidating for anyone. For locum providers, not only are we starting out in a new city, but it's a new job, new people, new housing, new everything.
Locum Travel Tips
Whether you’re directly contracting with a hospital and responsible for your own travel or working with a locum agency, always remember to triple-check your work and everyone else's work who might be assisting with booking your trip.